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What we do


Sponsoring a child has been a great experience for our family.  Knowing a small amount each month can go so far to help a child across the world is a wonderful thing. My children love knowing they have another "sister " in another country. Our sponsored child is always in our prayers and thoughts. It has been a blessing for our family, and we are happy to be a part of this program.
- Monica N., New Jersey


Our family has been sponsoring children from Prodein for years. We are incredibly blessed to have two healthy children and a wonderful family! We love giving to others since God has blessed us tremendously. We receive letters and photos from our child and it is as if she is a part of our family who just happens to live in another country. It is a blessing to be able to helping children in this way!
- Rebecca P., New Jersey


In 1996 we sponsored a boy for the first time and to this day, I thank God for the lessons learned by my entire family from that small act.
Later on, I was thinking about all the blessings that we, as a family, have received.  We have 5 wonderful children, 4 girls, one boy and 13 grandchildren, and so... I felt the urge to thank God in a very special way for his kindness toward us… and I decided once again to sponsor a child, except that this time it would be 4 children.
To sponsor children is a wonderful way to teach the family: about sharing, about helping those in need… but perhaps most important is the abundant graces our Lord spreads among us.
- Ana G. W., New Jersey
In 2013 I became a volunteer of Prodein Non-Profit, Inc.  I could see up close how the work is done, how the help they receive gets to the destination needed due to their tireless work. While the Prodein missionaires deal with every kind of infirmity either from the body or from the soul, they do not give up until they complete their work. And this is extended to everyone they meet. Everything they receive goes to the poor, including their time. No detail is too small for PRODEIN team, everything is measured, talked, consulted and finally executed with happiness, enthusiasm, and especially responsibility, hard to see these days.
There seems to be an invisible bond that unites these tireless and faithful workers of PRODEIN. I have learned and am learning how to live thinking of others first. This is one lesson that no one can teach by words alone, it takes action and faith, example and perseverance such as PRODEIN's.  And especially trusting that the Lord and our Blessed Virgin Mary is with us every step of the way. 
- Maria Christina F., Miami FL

I’ve been a volunteer with Prodein Non-Profit Inc. since 2006 and was recently blessed with the opportunity to visit some of the missionary communities they help in Peru. I was able to see first hand the role they play in developing local communities from providing needed daily nutrition, affordable education, engaging in cultivation, to teaching  and making this development possible under God’s words. This trip clearly reflected their mission - promoting the integral development of man and woman according to the principles contained in the gospel. This was a very rewarding experience. It helped me value basic things I take for granted such as food, clean water, education, etc. Even so, these poor communities were very welcoming and carried smiles on their faces. Their smiles and gratitude gave me more than we gave them. I feel privileged to be a part of such a caring and well run organization, and to play a small part towards this great cause.
- Erany S., New York

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