Teaching those who do not know as much is important because it is creating a link between education and love, for the one who teaches and for the one who humbly learns.
This act of mercy gives us the opportunity to enrich others with our personal and spiritual riches, we can help the child who does not know how to do his homework, the co-worker who does not know how to perform his duty, as well as the one who needs spiritual guidance and does not know how to address God. That is why we support the integral education of everyone, especially children and young people living in poverty in Hispanic America through the SPONSORSHIP PROGRAM. With a fixed monthly fee you can help a child in need to receive a quality education in a safe and supportive environment in conjunction with our program: Together we are stronger.
Join us and sponsor today and transform the life of a dominican child and yours!
Convinced that EDUCATION is an engine of social development, one of our objectives is to collaborate to facilitate the access of the poorest to basic and secondary education in Hispanic American countries.
Through the Sponsorship Program, for a fixed monthly fee, you help a child or young person receive a quality education in a safe place and a balanced diet, allowing them to develop their full intellectual potential and lead a healthy and active life.
You will receive the information about your sponsored child along with his/her pictures and you will be able to exchange correspondence with them throughout the year. You will also benefit from the blessings of your sponsored child's prayer, who will pray for you every day.
Sponsor with us! Clic here