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Villa Peloteros, a forgotten corner an hour and fifteen minutes from the vibrant capital Santo Domingo, is a place where anguish and hope intertwine. A vast land, occupied by people with very limited resources who, despite difficulties and uncertainties, have made this place their home.

In this makeshift neighborhood, where potable water is a luxury and drainage a unmet need, lives D. Pedro, a man whose fraternal love leads him to care for his Alzheimer’s-stricken brother, despite having lost his wife and been abandoned by his children. Every day is a struggle for sustenance, and at times, D. Pedro carries his brother on his back, while looking for work… His house made of zinc sheets and boards is on the edge of a cliff, in danger of falling when the next water storm is unleashed. As happened to several small houses last month, which disappeared with the water current.

Patricia, a brave and determined mother, also resides in Villa Peloteros. When her partner discovered that she was expecting their fourth child and demanded that she abort, she refused and was abandoned. However, she continues to move forward, working to provide for her children.

But amid these stories of struggle and survival, there are glimmers of hope. The missionaries, accompanied by a group of high school students, visited Villa Peloteros, bringing food and, most importantly, attentive ears to listen to their problems and a kind smile to encourage and strengthen them in hope.

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