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Mi name is Ana Gonzalez and I have 5 children and 16 grandchildren (with 2 more on the way this year).

I met Prodein when they were first established here in the United  States. I was very impressed by the work they did with the poorest of the poor. The most important experience was seeing the love they put into helping them. Father  Molina always said: “For the poor, the best”.

We were very enthusiastic and decided to sponsor two children.

Years passed and one afternoon, I was praying to the Lord, thanking him for all the blessings we have with our children. I asked Him what I could in return. The Lord gave me the idea that I should sponsor 5 children, one for each of mine He has given me. At first, I was worried about making the commitment, but then I decided to trust in the Lord.

This has been a real blessing to our family in all aspects, spiritually and financially, so we were able to help others. I was in the right financial situation where I could help others.

Our Lord always fulfills his promises and we should be faithful to his inspiration. Not be afraid.

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